Thursday, March 11, 2010

LET'S PLAY Jeopardy!

We finished playing Jeopardy in class today via the powerpoint presentation. All students did a great job of participating.
Each student will be paired up with another as they create their own game.
The final product will be due next Friday, the 19th of March.
We will be working on this project in class for a few days and it is due on Friday, the 19th of March.
Here are the rules:
  1. . 6 categories (examples: colors, school subjects, ar verbs, ir verbs etc..)
  2. Each category needs to have 5 questions and 5 responses. That would be a total of 30 questions/responses for your game.
  3. It can be any game that includes a minimum of 4 players. ( if you want the template for the Jeopardy powerpoint, I need your flash drive by Friday the 12th of March.
  4. Appropriate material please. NO foul language, content, or pictures. Same school rules apply to the game.
Have fun and we will see you in class working on your games.

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